Moving To Alaska?
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If you have reached this web page, you are most likely a carrier in the HHG's moving industry or moving agent.
Hi-Line Moving Services partners with selected carriers for the purpose of providing transportation services to and from Alaska.

If you are looking for the most cost effective transportation services (to/from) Alaska.


What is meant by "Partnering"?

When Hi-Line partners with a carrier, the carrier maintains the direct relationship with the shipper or national account or COD customer and hires Hi-Line to perform the transportation segment or additionally, the pack and load segments. In all cases the carrier compensates Hi-Line for its services (Hi-Line works through the carrier). Hi-Line can perform its services on an interline basis or contract basis.

More information about Hi-Line's Alaska service:

  • At origin and destination Hi-Line works with the Agent the carrier selects, protecting carrier branding.
  • Hi-Line's U.S. & Canadian Firearms Licenses enable cross border transportation of firearms.
  • Alaska themed decals remind your customers of the importance you place on their move.
  • The highest point on the Alaska highway is only 4,250 ft high. 2nd highest is 3,993 ft.
  • Hi-Line can handle every segment of the move or only the transportation.
  • The service is blanket wrap utilizing air ride household goods trailers.
  • Hi-Line offers online registration, rate quoting, and tracking.
  • The highway is completely paved, Yes the whole way!
  • Hi-Line also transports crated Household goods.
  • This operation is conducted on a B to B basis.
  • Hi-Line is a Canadian & U.S. Bonded Carrier.
  • The service is 24/7 all year long.

For pricing our services Request an Access Code.